Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

As we celebrate another Memorial Day weekend, let’s give pause to pay homage to the brave men and women who paid the ultimate price to secure our freedoms.  There was a time long ago when the government of the United States of America respected the natural rights of man to be free.  As a result of the American Revolutionary War that saw great sacrifice, bloodshed, and loss of life, our nation was established on the principles of limited government.  It was recognized and respected that the people are endowed with certain unalienable rights and the government is given its limited authority from the people through very specific and enumerated powers as charted in our Constitution.

Fast forward to today.  The world is a much smaller, more connected, and very different place from what it was in the late 18th century when our country was founded and the Constitution was enacted.  Despite the changes in international relations and the technological advances that have advanced human civilization, the natural rights of man remain a timeless philosophy backed by the principles of liberty.  These concepts serve as the bulwark of our society of freedom loving people.  The rights and the laws that protect them should not be tampered with, regardless of geopolitical current events.

Recent congressional votes from 1st District Republican representative Rob Wittman can only lead to the conclusion that he no longer believes that the USA is the land of the free and the home of the brave.  How else can he explain his “yea” vote on the NDAA with its American citizen terror suspect detention authority given to the military as directed by the President?  How else can Wittman explain his “nay” vote that would have amended that provision just 2 weeks ago to remove the unconstitutional power of the military to detain American citizens without due process?  It was reported that he thought long and hard about his “nay” vote on the Smith-Amash amendment but decided it was more important to violate the constitution in the name of safety so as to assure that terror suspects would not have more rights on our soil than U.S. military service members under the United Stated Code of Military Justice.

Being afraid to uphold and defend the constitution as per the once revered congressional oath of office now seems to be a prerequisite to serve as a member in congress.  With all of the “protection” and “security”  federal laws already on the books (TSA full body pat downs and searches at airports, NSA wire tapping under FISA, and Real ID to just list a few), American people have a better chance of winning the jackpot lotto, drowning in their bath tub, or getting struck by lightening than they do getting harmed or killed by a terrorist here in the United States.

Wittman’s and congress’s spineless and gutless approach to securing our liberty through the destruction of the 4th Amendment to our Constitution is yet another sad and disrespectful way to memorialize the Patriots who fought for our freedoms and founded our nation.  Ironically, liberally appointed Federal district Judge Katherine B. Forrest issued a preliminary injunction barring such detentions of American citizens on the ground that the law is unconstitutional. Unlike the supposedly constitutionally conservative Wittman, perhaps she appreciates the warnings that founder Benjamin Franklin alluded to when he opined that those who sacrifice liberty in pursuit of security are deserving of neither.  Wittman fails to realize that we will have to pay hell to regain our freedoms that he just voted away.  Home of the brave…yeah, right….apparently not any more when it comes to our Congress.  Try and feel proud about your Memorial Day tomorrow.

BREAKING NEWS: Athens-Clarke County, GA Republican Delegate Fraud

The purposeful mistreatment of Ron Paul supporters on the part of Republican party insiders at the national , state parties, as well as local and district levels is going to become known one way or another.

It is well known among people who were there at the time at the 2008 national convention in Minnesota that the Republican National Committee used security staff to subdue legitimate Ron Paul supporters from being permitted to express their support in any way shape or form for Ron Paul as legitimate party delegates.

You can view the Georgia GOP party woman discussing that 2008 snub at the start of the video below.  Yet despite her apologies and assurances, we soon see that the intended snubbing of legally registered party delegates is again to take place, and the Ron Paul delegate support is once again suppressed and not permitted to be fully vetted and transparent.

What is happening in Athens-Clarke County, Georgia with the Republican Party inappropriately disregarding established party procedure when it comes to tallying the delegates won by the Ron Paul campaign is happening across the country.  Ron Paul supporters are joining GOP committees and they know the rules.  The old GOP establishment that remains in control is breaking them.  That has got to be some sort of electoral fraud or malfeasance.  Please share the news of this story with others to bring this to light.  It is not isolated to Georgia.  There needs to be transparency and accountability to how the GOP arrives at a nominee.

The Stresses of Recurring Letdowns From Being an Individualist Amongst the Mainstream Masses

After reading what I just wrote below, this is sort of a disjointed non-cohesive writing.  I appreciate your indulgence should you choose to proceed. Thanks in advance – Robert 🙂

Super Tuesday has come and gone.  This is one of the busier days of the primary season leading up to the November 2012 general and presidential election.  This is the second consecutive presidential election campaign cycle that I have supported Ron Paul.

In between these two election cycles, I spent some of my free time attempting to be efficiently politically active in relating to my opposition to various congressional activities that are eroding freedom in the U.S.A.

Most people reading these words would agree that beyond the 2010 Republican house cleaning, not much seems to have changed in the “Big Brother and Big Government” landscape.  I am so very much looking forward to the Supreme Court of the U.S.A  giving Obamacare its day in court.  That noted, I know I am also setting myself up for a let down, because I find it almost a no-brainer that the Patient Protection – Affordable Health Care act is a Constitutional abomination.  If I see it as clearly being a no-no from a constitutional perspective, then I believe the liberal appointees to the Court will rule it as permissible.  Hence the let down.

A problem with the judiciary process as it stands today seems to be the issue of bad case law being allowed to remain in effect.  Previous judicial opinions set precedent upon which future decisions are handed down from other courts.  I could never quite wrap my mind around the issue of what if decisions that are delivered are wrong – even if the final decision is upheld on appeal?   That then leaves future courts to lean on these erroneous decisions, until at some point further into the future, all court cases have their decisions based on faulty application of the law.  What I am describing is a domino effect built on case law that gets further and further away from proper application of constitutional interpretation.   This seems to have been happening for the last 70 years.

Let me be clear that I know I am not a lawyer and will gladly cede superiority in this regard to the constitutional scholars.  But I am confident that the interpretation of the law will continue to be misconstrued and applied the more errant decisions are allowed to stand and serve as bulwark for future decisions.  That is why the Supreme Court nominating process is so important to conservatives.  We need a qualified judiciary to protect our constitutional rights from being trampled through erroneous legislative and regulatory outcomes.

Coming back from the sidetrack musing, it appears that my candidate Ron Paul is not doing well in the popular vote process that will lead to the GOP nomination for the 2012 presidential nomination.  That noted, the key is to seat delegates, and the mainstream media is not even reporting much on the dedicated base that Ron Paul has working at the grass roots level to secure delegates at the various local, district, and national GOP  conventions.  With providential intervention, perhaps we can get some influence in the process.  I was left feeling defeated after the 2008 campaign.

So while we wait to see how this campaign process plays out, I will get a “fix” on repairing the damage from Obamacare by tracking the Supreme Court hearing and sending out Tweets, emails, and posting my thoughts here on this blog.

Lately though, all of my energy and action put towards this effort of trying to remain free has exacted somewhat of a toll on me.  I know I can’t be alone in this regard.  There are hundreds of thousands of people who are supporting Ron Paul and the cause for saving Liberty.  If you find yourself feeling alone and frustrated and stressed out at the recurring letdowns that your efforts to push back big government are not yielding the results that you would like to see, then it might be time to try something different.

I decided to take a few weeks off from it.  I wanted to clear my head and spirit.  So I read a fiction book and tried to distance myself as much as I could from the politics and news.  Coming back from that, I am thinking I want to try a different tact and just share my thoughts with others. In support of that, I am also trying to introduce more people to an two organizations that can help by carrying the load, allowing me to be reminded that I am not alone.  These organizations are The Campaign For Liberty and Downsize DC.

I am glad that I am blessed to have the mind and personality to not fall in lockstep with the masses and that I can think and act on my own accord. But sometimes that can stress the heck out of you and derail you from wanting to continue.  A good way to recover from the stresses of this worldview is to connect with like minded individuals who share your viewpoints.  We are not alone.  The passions that fan the flames of freedom lie within all of us and we are all inextinguishable.  Stay strong and stay passionate.

Sovereign Citizens, the Watchful Eye of the FBI, and the Founding Fathers

Recent news accounts like this of the FBI’s announcement that it has concerns with people who claim themselves to be Sovereign Citizens evokes thoughts of our country’s founding.  The patriots who were associated with country’s founding fathers had to consider the threat of apprehension by the authorities when they were contemplating whether or not to break free from the rule of King George and Great Britain.  It is no small thing to break free from an established government.  That is why the American Revolution was so historic in the annals of human history.

Sovereign Citizens have taken a different interpretation of current prevailing viewpoints of what it means to be an American and living in the United States. In essence, they seem to want to separate themselves from the current laws of the land and live by a different set of rules from the mainstream citizens.  They appear to describe the current laws as illegitimate when pitted against the rights American are described as having as written in the Constitution.  In the video that runs on their website, the woman makes a reference to the USA as a corporation to which the Sovereign Citizens do not want to participate.  I have come across other references about this Corporation over the years and have been interested in learning more about it but then abandoning the issue altogether due to time constraints and thoughts about what does it really matter any way?  Maybe the Sovereign Citizens just had more time and interest in seeing what it is all about.  I am not sure.

Today in the year 2012, the vast majority of citizens are law abiding taxpayers of which many have serious concerns and objections about how our elected / appointed representatives are managing our national, state, and local governments.  It would be members of this segment of American society who organized the Tea Party and /or might be active in the Libertarian political party.  Many people who follow the current rules of the  electoral and political system have expended a good many years of their lives and personal resources to try and get more Constitutionally compliant leaders into government at all levels.

Anybody who has followed American political events over the past 70 years knows that the Republicans and Democrats backed by highly financed special interest groups have claimed wins in most if not all major political campaigns for public office.  It would be very frustrating for any normal person to begin to think that there has to be a better way to push back the problem of the wrong people being elected to run the government because they have what appears to be an inappropriate ability to wield greater influence than a majority of most individual citizens in the election.

Maybe that is what led to this group that calls themselves Sovereign Citizens.  When I think of them and why they do what they do, there is a part of me that can sort of relate and understand and maybe even agree with the rationale as to why they would want to “not play by the rules” of the prevailing form of government.

Let me be clear, I do not condone violence and aggression against other people including the lawful authorities.  That noted, for purposes of trying to understand their behavior and actions so as to learn and maybe improve the situation that is causing the FBI to escalate their surveillance of this group, perhaps Sovereign Citizens simply have more courage to push back and defend themselves from the government in a fashion that based on their political beliefs, can lead to what looks like violence and aggression against the State.

Obviously there is a stigma that mainstream society attaches to people who are members of such fringe groups.  But I get a sense that the fringe is growing.  Maybe the Sovereign Citizens are just an early version, a way-out in-front organized group ahead of the game.  Sooner or later it seems inevitable that more and more supposedly Free People who have become frustrated with their government run amok would form in this coalesced fashion if unable to realize the changes they see as being needed to save their way of life because of a corrupted and unconstitutional electoral and political system and government.

What I wrote above does not seem to differ much with what Thomas Jefferson and the Founders had to wrestle with when they decided to break free from Great Britain.  On the outset of the Revolutionary War, they wrote and affirmed with sacred honor the Declaration of Independence.  The words below from that historic document tied to our country’s founding seem to mimic in some part at least, to what might be compelling the Sovereign Citizens to opt out of the current rule of law.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Framed in this light, are the Sovereign Citizens really that bad or just that misunderstood by the current authorities?

Daily Press Editorial: RIP, GOP Republican Party….

…needs to come to its senses; right now it’s circling the drain,0,7473479.story

How refreshing to see a major media source that shares my very Libertarian like opinion.  Before too long, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them giving Ron Paul more attention.

Liberty Call Out: Please Join Me in Making Monthly Downsize DC Foundation Donations

The other day I received my IRS approved tax contribution statement for 2011 from the Downsize DC Foundation.  Money I send to them as a donation to help them in their wonderfully successful initiatives to defend my Liberty is tax deductible.

Take a look at some of their latest success.

I am so pleased and enthused with how well Jim Babka and James Wilson and their team at Downsize DC are spending my donations on behalf of liberty that I am prepared to urge others to join me as a donor to their Downsize DC Foundation.  In fact, I will increase my already existing monthly  $20 pledge by $1 for every new person who signs up to make at least a $20 monthly recurring donation to the Downsize DC Foundation.  Here is the link to set it all up.

My offer to increase my donation by $1 for every new donor will last until 11:59 pm ET on Thursday night February 9, 2012.  Please post a comment to this post right here on my Wake Up America blog to let me and others know that you arranged an online recurring monthly pledge.  I will confirm it with the folks at the Downsize DC Foundation and then gladly match your joining the effort by increasing my monthly pledge by $1.  With any luck, my efforts with your help will result in 20 new people pledging to make monthly tax deductible donations.

Please note: On the slight chance that this modest goal is exceeded, I might need to cap the increase  as to how much more I can match.  My family is far from wealthy but we desire to contribute our money to the cause of liberty and would hope that others will join us.

Once again, here is the link to set it all up.

Thanks in advance and I remain yours in Liberty.

Robert E. Lehman

The Public Education Crisis in America – What Are We Going to Do to Fix It?

Public school reform seems to be on people’s minds this week.  There is no denying we have problems with the quality of our educational system these days.  I am reminded regularly by such things as The Tonight Show’s “Jay Walking” segments.  If you haven’t seen them, they are uncomfortably laughable interviews where Jay asks random passersby what amounts to basic high school level knowledge and/or trivia questions. It is a revealing look into just how far the average American has fallen in terms of knowledge and awareness of current events, what they find important, etc.  It is actually quite a sad telling of the state of education in the United States of America.

This past Friday evening, February 3, 2012, my good friend Gerry shared with me and others this youtube video regarding the state of education in a Washington school.  I have mentioned Gerry in other posts here at Wake Up.  Gerry has been my mother’s “boyfriend” since I was about ten years old.  Whether he wanted to or not, he played a key role in me holding the views I do today regarding the government and liberty.

So he sends this video without any other commentary.  Just the link.

My reply:

Maybe we should budget more federal tax dollars toward public education.  That will help these students learn.
We need more teachers, more computers in the class rooms, and more more more.  Hopefully the U.S. Dept. of Education will introduce more federal laws to help the miserable states’ and localities get their educational systems in order.

Then his reply:

You surprise me…you seem to be thinking like a Dim-ocrat.  For Progressives whenever a gubmint program isn’t working it’s not because it’s a stupid program it’s because they haven’t spent enough $’s.  So their solution is to spend even more on the program.
In this particular case…the feral gubmint should budget less (or none) tax dollars [not more] towards public education and reduce (or eliminate) feral education laws [not introduce more].  As John Stossel’s recent special on education easily demonstrated private education costs less for the taxpayer, results in better paid teachers and ends up with significantly better educated students and test scores.
PS.  On the other hand…your email may be totally sarcastic.  If so, I apologize.  As I often told you “I have a hard time recognizing sarcasm”.  <Emoticon3.gif>
To which I responded:
Ger,I thought for sure that you knew me much better than that!  My reply was indeed 100% SARCASM.  The federal government putting more public resources towards the issue is the exact problem not the solution.  Poor progressives fail to recognize the negative self reinforcing feedback loop with their non-stop willingness to put education under greater and greater central control.  What the USA needs is an incentive for taxpayers to opt their kids out of public schools.  Or at the very least, a dissolution of U.S. Dept of Education in order to free the states to use their resources as their citizens see fit.  The feds penalizing states for not adhering to the ridiculous educational mandates of Big Brother is wrong and is a 10th amendment issue if ever there was one.  Sadly there are no more checks and balances to separate the powers between the branches, just one big miserable worthless government run amok and digging us into a deeper hole..I served you up the “gopher ball” and you did just as I was hoping.  You hit it out of the ballpark with the exact response I was hoping to see.  On more positive note, it looks like Ron Paul and his ideals are catching on to more and more people this coming election cycle.
Yours in Liberty,
Leading to this reply from Gerry’s 92 year old father who is one of may 10 others on the distribution.  His Dad Ray is a very loving, decent and kind man who happens to be a self professed socialist / liberal.  We engage in these types of exchanges all the time:
Apparently, this is an issue on other peoples’ minds as well.  Here is my reply back to the group as of this morning.
Our exchange of opinions on this issue these past few days is not exclusive to us.  The Daily Press newspaper down here in Hampton Roads, VA had this as its  published Editorial this past Saturday.,0,5492520.story

An argument for school choice

9:26 PM EST, February 4, 2012

In the world of business, when one company has a monopoly on the market, there is less incentive to be effective or efficient. Healthy competition, on the other hand, fosters growth and success.

The same can be applied to educational systems.

Providing alternatives that create competition for traditional public schools is but one of the compelling reasons Virginia should consider school choice, a movement that would help parents select the best option for their children’s education, particularly those who are frustrated by declining or stagnant performance at their local schools.

The traditional model, in which government provides everyone with a “free education” generously underwritten by the taxpayers, might be sufficient if school performance were consistently high, most dollars were devoted to direct instruction, and the best teachers were rewarded and the weakest let go.

But that isn’t the case today.

And throwing more money at the problem — which we’ve continued to do even though it hasn’t worked — is impractical due to falling state tax revenues and reductions in federal support.

Many states are by necessity undertaking reforms aimed at correcting the deeply entrenched obstacles to improvement by adopting merit pay and contractual review policies and by reducing non-instructional budgets. Gov. McDonnell has pushed for such improvements in the current legislative session.

Improving efficiency and shoring up quality and accountability at existing schools has to be at the forefront of Virginia’s educational reforms. But school choice could be an important component, as well.

School choice includes a range of options, both public and private. Public school choices include charter schools, magnet schools and open enrollment plans that allow students to choose among multiple schools within a district or region. Private school options include faith-based and other private schools supported by tuition and donations, virtual schools and home schools.

At a town meeting last week hosted by Hampton University, panel members weighed in on why black Americans especially need to support school choice in their communities. While rich families have always had the opportunity to choose private schools, poor families — who are often stuck in the worst-performing schools — don’t have those options.

As the panelists noted, the best way to get at the problem is to break loose from the notion that school funding is for schools; rather, it is for students. In fact, school funding formulas are based on student population, which can lead to an administration’s protective hold on their students instead of encouraging them to go where there needs could be better met.

School vouchers — payments to parents from public tax funds to be used for a child’s education expenses — allow educational decisions to be made on an individual basis instead of one-size-fits-none. Voucher programs can also be tied to stipulations against discrimination and even include needs-based funding ranges. Arguments that voucher payments to private schools violate the First Amendment and similar state constitutional provisions have been successfully countered with reasoning such as (1) the private schools are not all faith-based and (2) payments are made to parents, not to schools.

And despite the fears that less funding will be available for public schools if vouchers are used, systems that have explored vouchers, such as in Milwaukee, are finding them to be a potentially more efficient way of educational delivery. Since vouchers are typically less than the actual per-student allotment and overhead costs are reduced, schools can actually save money by implementing them.

Going forward, Virginia should continue to monitor and explore the options for school choice, including evaluating the success of existing voucher programs both in terms of costs and performance.

An important caveat: The issues and arguments do not and should not “belong” to any single special-interest group, religion, race, geographic region or political party.  The school choice movement can benefit everyone.

School choice, when combined with significant reform of our public schools, is one way to accomplish a major shift in our dysfunctional educational system. It’s time for a serious look.

Copyright © 2012, Newport News, Va., Daily Press

Is it Just Me or are You Fed Up With Playing the Electoral Game? If Yes, Don’t Quit Now.

While watching the NBC GOP primary debates last night from Florida, at one point, my son Chris said, “What if Ron Paul and Rick Santorum just flat out spoke up and said, ‘You know what, this is bull that you are clearly giving the majority of mic time to Romney and Gingrich and quite frankly we’re sick of it!’ and then walk off?”

We agreed that that is what many normal people would do when disrespected in much the way that the mainstream media (MSM) is treating candidates like Ron Paul whom do not fit their elitist agenda as their hand picked frontrunners for the GOP nomination.  To the media elites, it does not matter who wins the GOP or the Democratic nod as they make sure there is no difference in the winners from each side.  They make sure the Republocrats win every time.

That got me thinking about whether or not the apathy and rampant non-participation on the part of a majority of American citizens in the electoral process is directly related to the fact that most average Americans with even half a bit of sense and education know that the process is a complete sham and fraud.  It really is that way today.  But that does not mean that it should be or that it was designed to be this way.

Participating in it amounts to giving the impression that you sanction it.  That you approve of it.  That you are a willing participant.  This presents a terrible conundrum for those of us who are leery and tired of big government and its far reaching tentacles that bind it to the plutocrats and oligarchy that then creates the government media military industrial complex.  Our participation in the way the game is currently played means we approve of it.  But we do not.  The only way to change the rules of the game is to win.

We legitimate liberty loving teaparty activists have to show the patience and savvy needed to play their game and win it, so we can wrestle away the reins of control and then make the changes necessary to prevent a re-seizing of control by special interests who use the government for their own personal gain.   This is no easy endeavor nor one for the faint at heart.  It requires a strong will and the cunning to see that the race is long.   I thank God for the Ron Paul campaign and its ability to do this.

So at first glance, the normal and typical response to all those thieves in cahoots is to say “piss off,  I am not participating anymore because you don’t play fair and its all just a sham of a process.”    But to do so is to give up.    When you start to get the notion that you know it is all just a ruse and you want to stop participating in the sham of the current electoral process, that is the exact moment when you need to do the exact opposite of quitting and instead dig in and persevere and know that you are not alone in your thinking or in this fight and realize that real liberty loving people are fighting along side you to push the government media military industrial complex back and defeat it.

Eventually, we will wake the United States of America up from the terrible coma it fell into and we will then remain on guard to make sure it never falls prey again to the ills of the last 75 years of government run amok.  We the People must remain vigilant.  The great experiment with Constitutional Republicanism cannot end on our watch.  Please stay strong and continue to support candidates like Ron Paul.

Please Post a Response: What Kind of Civilized People Boo the Golden Rule? SC RINOs Boo Ron Paul and the Golden Rule

I am amused and befuddled at the mainstream media reports of SC GOP primary debate audience members booing Dr. Ron Paul’s response where he raised the Golder Rule in discussing his viewpoints on U.S. foreign policy. Oddly, when he provide that reply, there was a cascading of boos coming from the audience.

Too his credit and in support of his principles, Dr. Paul continued to provide his answer.   As the boos subsided, he finished by essentially stating that the U.S. does not need another war and all its costs, but instead needs to end the current war.  To which there were then cheers and applauds from the audience.  By the way, the subsequent cheering to the aforementioned odd boos was not reported.

I am left wondering – what kind of civilized, God fearing people boo the Golden Rule?  I would love for people reading this to post their best answer to that question:

What kind of civilized, God fearing people boo the Golden Rule?  Please reply!  Thanks.

SC GOP Primary Update: Ron Paul Still Being Snubbed By Media Outlets

Many of you likely already get updates from the Ron Paul campaign. But in case some of you do not, here is his most recent as of early Tuesday Morning, January 17, 2012.
Please do what you can to help restore Liberty in America by supporting Ron Paul’s run for President.
South Carolina Money Bomb

Dear Robert,

Despite finishing a strong third in Iowa and an incredible second in New Hampshire…

Despite earning more votes than Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Perry in New Hampshire – COMBINED…

Despite surging past Rick Santorum in the polls in South Carolina…

Despite this clearly being a two-man race between me and Mitt Romney…

The establishment media is still trying to black out my campaign

News organizations are exiling me to the far end of the debate stage.

They can’t stand the idea of me challenging our reckless foreign policy, the destruction of our currency by the Fed, and an out-of-control, almost $16 trillion debt that is choking the life out of our economy.

But no matter how much the establishment tries to silence me, my strong, consistent, clear, conservative message is resonating with Americans.

Click to</p><br />

Conservatives are coalescing around my campaign because my opponents are all the same old chip off the Big Government block.

While Rick Santorum defends forcing workers under the thumb of Big Labor with his vote to kill a National Right to Work Act, and Mitt Romney defends indefinitely detaining American citizens, I am the only candidate offering a conservative alternative to the status quo

My Plan to Restore America cuts $1 trillion from the budget in year one of my presidency, balances the budget in year three, and eliminates five cabinet departments.

That’s why it’s vital you make your most generous contribution to my South Carolina Money Bomb right away so I can go over the heads of the establishment pundits and take my message of liberty, free markets, and sound money directly to voters in South Carolina through hard-hitting tv ads, issue-based emails, and personal phone calls.

This voter contact program was the key to my incredible finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire, and I am confident that if my campaign can fully implement these programs in South Carolina, another historic finish is within my grasp.

Our Party cannot win in November unless we nominate a candidate who presents a clear contrast with Barack Obama.

Unlike Mitt Romney, I don’t have to explain away flip-flopping on every issue voters care about.

And unlike counterfeit conservatives Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, I support the Right to Work, am 100% pro-Second Amendment, am 100% pro-life, and have consistently opposed the bailouts and socialized medicine.

So please, click here to make your most generous contribution toward my final push in South Carolina and help my campaign spread my winning message of liberty to the voters.

Thank you for all that you do to help me win this race and Restore America Now!

For Liberty,

Ron Paul