The Stresses of Recurring Letdowns From Being an Individualist Amongst the Mainstream Masses

After reading what I just wrote below, this is sort of a disjointed non-cohesive writing.  I appreciate your indulgence should you choose to proceed. Thanks in advance – Robert 🙂

Super Tuesday has come and gone.  This is one of the busier days of the primary season leading up to the November 2012 general and presidential election.  This is the second consecutive presidential election campaign cycle that I have supported Ron Paul.

In between these two election cycles, I spent some of my free time attempting to be efficiently politically active in relating to my opposition to various congressional activities that are eroding freedom in the U.S.A.

Most people reading these words would agree that beyond the 2010 Republican house cleaning, not much seems to have changed in the “Big Brother and Big Government” landscape.  I am so very much looking forward to the Supreme Court of the U.S.A  giving Obamacare its day in court.  That noted, I know I am also setting myself up for a let down, because I find it almost a no-brainer that the Patient Protection – Affordable Health Care act is a Constitutional abomination.  If I see it as clearly being a no-no from a constitutional perspective, then I believe the liberal appointees to the Court will rule it as permissible.  Hence the let down.

A problem with the judiciary process as it stands today seems to be the issue of bad case law being allowed to remain in effect.  Previous judicial opinions set precedent upon which future decisions are handed down from other courts.  I could never quite wrap my mind around the issue of what if decisions that are delivered are wrong – even if the final decision is upheld on appeal?   That then leaves future courts to lean on these erroneous decisions, until at some point further into the future, all court cases have their decisions based on faulty application of the law.  What I am describing is a domino effect built on case law that gets further and further away from proper application of constitutional interpretation.   This seems to have been happening for the last 70 years.

Let me be clear that I know I am not a lawyer and will gladly cede superiority in this regard to the constitutional scholars.  But I am confident that the interpretation of the law will continue to be misconstrued and applied the more errant decisions are allowed to stand and serve as bulwark for future decisions.  That is why the Supreme Court nominating process is so important to conservatives.  We need a qualified judiciary to protect our constitutional rights from being trampled through erroneous legislative and regulatory outcomes.

Coming back from the sidetrack musing, it appears that my candidate Ron Paul is not doing well in the popular vote process that will lead to the GOP nomination for the 2012 presidential nomination.  That noted, the key is to seat delegates, and the mainstream media is not even reporting much on the dedicated base that Ron Paul has working at the grass roots level to secure delegates at the various local, district, and national GOP  conventions.  With providential intervention, perhaps we can get some influence in the process.  I was left feeling defeated after the 2008 campaign.

So while we wait to see how this campaign process plays out, I will get a “fix” on repairing the damage from Obamacare by tracking the Supreme Court hearing and sending out Tweets, emails, and posting my thoughts here on this blog.

Lately though, all of my energy and action put towards this effort of trying to remain free has exacted somewhat of a toll on me.  I know I can’t be alone in this regard.  There are hundreds of thousands of people who are supporting Ron Paul and the cause for saving Liberty.  If you find yourself feeling alone and frustrated and stressed out at the recurring letdowns that your efforts to push back big government are not yielding the results that you would like to see, then it might be time to try something different.

I decided to take a few weeks off from it.  I wanted to clear my head and spirit.  So I read a fiction book and tried to distance myself as much as I could from the politics and news.  Coming back from that, I am thinking I want to try a different tact and just share my thoughts with others. In support of that, I am also trying to introduce more people to an two organizations that can help by carrying the load, allowing me to be reminded that I am not alone.  These organizations are The Campaign For Liberty and Downsize DC.

I am glad that I am blessed to have the mind and personality to not fall in lockstep with the masses and that I can think and act on my own accord. But sometimes that can stress the heck out of you and derail you from wanting to continue.  A good way to recover from the stresses of this worldview is to connect with like minded individuals who share your viewpoints.  We are not alone.  The passions that fan the flames of freedom lie within all of us and we are all inextinguishable.  Stay strong and stay passionate.

A Beautiful Love Challenged by Cancer and Love Wins in the End

I am originally from Pittsburgh and so part of my morning routine is to peruse my old town’s newspaper to see what is happening.  I was saddened to read that long time Pittsburgh Steeler great Tunch Ilkin, now a member of their broadcast team lost his wife of 30 years to terrible battle with cancer.  The news story is so very touching that I thought I would share it.  The link is below.

It is such an obvious thing to write, but cancer is such a terrible disease.  A cure and improved means of treatment are both so badly needed.  Further needed is the funding and support services necessary for the people and their families who are ravaged by the psychosocial damage that it causes.  Cancer effects the fabric of families.

It is rare that most people do not have a personal connection with cancer, either themselves as a patient or watching a loved one or friend battle it.  Please consider what you can do in your own way to raise the awareness that more needs to be done to find a cure and improved treatments and support services for cancer patients.  If the spirit moves you, I would respectfully encourage you to act on it…in whatever way no matter how big or how small.

Sharon Ilkin by all accounts from reading this story was a most admirable kind of person.  The love that was shared between she and her husband is the kind that seems like once in a lifetime for two people.  I am saddened to see a disease like cancer separate them for each other for now.  But it appears that their unending love and faith will see them through the bad times regardless of the final outcome of this chapter of their life together battling cancer.  I am glad that the Ilkins shared their story with us.

Please Post a Response: What Kind of Civilized People Boo the Golden Rule? SC RINOs Boo Ron Paul and the Golden Rule

I am amused and befuddled at the mainstream media reports of SC GOP primary debate audience members booing Dr. Ron Paul’s response where he raised the Golder Rule in discussing his viewpoints on U.S. foreign policy. Oddly, when he provide that reply, there was a cascading of boos coming from the audience.

Too his credit and in support of his principles, Dr. Paul continued to provide his answer.   As the boos subsided, he finished by essentially stating that the U.S. does not need another war and all its costs, but instead needs to end the current war.  To which there were then cheers and applauds from the audience.  By the way, the subsequent cheering to the aforementioned odd boos was not reported.

I am left wondering – what kind of civilized, God fearing people boo the Golden Rule?  I would love for people reading this to post their best answer to that question:

What kind of civilized, God fearing people boo the Golden Rule?  Please reply!  Thanks.

Trying to Get Back to the True Meaning of Christmas

Today’s date as I write this post is December 23rd.  The actual Christmas holiday will soon be upon us, though I have been enjoying it for well over 3 weeks now.  My wife and I began decorating our home for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving.  We have collected many beautiful ornaments together over our 8 years of marriage.  I have a special place in my heart for Santa Claus and have amassed a small but treasured collection of Santa figures that I like to display.  Lights have been installed on the front porch and Christmas regalia is scattered about our home.  Many greeting cards from thoughtful friends and family have been received in the mail.  It truly is a festive and warmhearted place to pass the time.  I am blessed to live in such a beautiful home.

I can’t help but notice the onslaught of advertisements in the newspaper, on the television and radio, and in my email box.  We have been besieged by ads to partake in the Christmas shopping frenzy since the days leading up to Thanksgiving and the phenomena known as Black Friday.  I don’t know about you, but I have had my fill of it.

When did we let Christmas become this maddened obsession of shopping and expensive gift giving?  I am alarmed and somewhat saddened at the stress people create for themselves as they frantically try and buy gifts that they can’t afford, which are often things that people would not want or need, and sometimes even for people for whom they barely know or even like.  It seems Christmas has become a gift giving obligation or obsession for some people.  What a shame that these people are missing out on the true gift of what Christmas can be and do for them.

Shopping is not the true meaning of Christmas.  Christmas is a time to slow down and enjoy life.  It is a time to celebrate relationships with loved friends and family by getting together and spending quality time with one another.  The Christmas season is a time for renewed hope of all the good that tomorrow has to offer us and a time to look back and be thankful for the many blessings we have already been given.   It is not about going crazy and broke to try and give gifts that are impractical and / or unnecessary.

Three wise men gave gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the baby Jesus in honor of his birth and arrival as savior.  But the gift giving was not the most important takeaway from that historic moment in human history.  While it is fun to give and receive gifts, doing so is not the primary reason for commemorating this day.

This Christmas, I am looking forward to sharing the love of life with others, where I can experience the joys of living and the comfort of the feelings that are associated with the birth of hope, peace, love, and forgiveness – all of which are the teachings wrought from the life of Jesus.

Merry Christmas and best wishes for a safe and restful holiday to you and yours!