Seeking Many Opinions About Money

As a libertarian, government monetary policy is of interest to me.  I posted here on the Wake Up blog before about how my money is my life.  In fact money issues flow through many of my posted thoughts here in this blog site.

During the current election cycle, at front and center of the debate of who should be elected is the important topic of our country’s debt and the plan of how best to fix the economy.  For the presidential election, neither candidate seems to be presenting a plan that really cuts to the heart of what ails our economy.  Similarly missing in congressional races is any plan that really offers any true promise of effectively fixing the problems.

The crux of the problem is rooted in our monetary policy.  Decades of creating cheap money (debt based currency where money is literally printed out of thin air) permits The State, er um I mean our “government” to mortgage our children’s and grand-children’s futures to fund our current lust for spending and “government ” expansion and growth which further stifles our freedom.

Why don’t people understand this?  Supporters of Obama and Romney (Democratic or Republican Parties) refuse or are unable to grasp the gravity of our country’s and the world’s economic problems.

Please take a moment and consider candidly sharing what you know about money.  If you are a liberal or a conservative or have any other political persuasion, you have to have an opinion on what money means to you.  I and others would surely be interested in it.

Just click on the quotations bubble to the right of the post title above, or click on the “Leave a reply” link just below. Please share your thoughts on money and try your best to answer the following questions:

  • Where do you think money comes from?
  • Why do humans use money?
  • What does money mean to you?
  • How is money important to an economy?
  • What is the best thing The State, oops, I mean the “government” can do to fix our economy?

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